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World environment day: chabé commits to a sustainable future

5 يونيو 2024
World environment day: chabé commits to a sustainable future

5 June marks an important date for our planet: World Environment Day. This year, the Group has decided to celebrate this day by issuing a challenge to Flora Chaise, our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager.

The aim? To share our commitment to a more sustainable future in just 30 seconds.


A fleet with a low carbon footprint

One of the pillars of our CSR strategy is to develop a fleet with a low carbon footprint. In the space of a few years, our fleet has gone from 13% to 70% low-carbon vehicles. We are investing in electric and hybrid vehicles, significantly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. This transition to greener mobility is essential if we are to achieve our carbon neutrality objectives


Raising employee awareness

We firmly believe that change starts from within. That’s why we have set up awareness-raising programmes for our employees. Workshops, training courses and internal communication campaigns are all initiatives aimed at instilling a green culture within our company. We encourage everyone to adopt more responsible practices, both in their professional and personal lives.


Towards a more sustainable future

World Environment Day is a reminder that every gesture counts. Thanks to the commitment of Flora Chaise and the whole team, we are moving towards a future that is more respectful of our planet. Together, we can make a difference and build a world where sustainability is at the heart of every decision.


We challenged Flora to share our commitment to a more sustainable future in just 30 seconds.